When you went to the zoo as a kid, which animals were you most excited to see? Monkeys? Lions? How about dogs? Or a pig? If you visit the small zoo attached to the Guanlan Mountain & Lake Garden Farm in Shenzhen, China, you won't find the first two, but you'll find plenty of dogs, cats, pigeons, pigs and other similarly exotic animals. And their sad eyes will bore … [Read more...]
The Flooded Streets of Shenzhen
It rains a lot in southern China. Most of that rain falls during the monsoon season from April to September. This can be a little annoying if you’re traveling around China during the summer and you enjoy doing anything other than sitting in your hotel room. It can also wreak havoc on transportation in rural areas. When the downpours get heavy enough, they can bring … [Read more...]
I Love Chinese Repairmen!
When you live in a Chinese apartment, something will stop working. Actually, most things will stop working. The majority can be fixed using duct tape, paper clips, newspapers, rubber bands, chewing gum and/or various other items laying around the house. Occasionally none of those will work and you have to call a repairman. That's when the fun starts. I've previously written … [Read more...]
How Long Does It Really Take To Pick Ten Lychees?
I've been on a number of sightseeing tours in China and they all had one thing in common: they were bad. Often very, very bad (like this one in Xi'an). Despite that, I enjoyed most of them. Having the right people on the tour helps, but the most important factor is attitude. If you go in expecting the ridiculous and are fully prepared to laugh your way through it all, you'll … [Read more...]
Sweating Away at Shenzhen’s Meilin Reservoir
Summers in China are horrible. They're hot and humid and anyone who sets foot outside is instantly soaked in sweat. When I lived in Shanghai, I escaped to Kashgar in the far west of China for the summer. The temperatures are even higher there, but the complete lack of moisture makes life much more pleasant. When living in Shenzhen, I stupidly decided to stay put. I figured I … [Read more...]