When you live in a Chinese apartment, something will stop working. Actually, most things will stop working. The majority can be fixed using duct tape, paper clips, newspapers, rubber bands, chewing gum and/or various other items laying around the house. Occasionally none of those will work and you have to call a repairman. That's when the fun starts. I've previously written … [Read more...]
Japanese Internet Café: Your Choice of Pain or Pleasure
Have you ever sat down to use a computer at an internet café and been frustrated by the complete lack of amenities? Were you forced to sit in a plastic chair? Did you have to wear your own uncomfortable shoes? No massage? No PlayStation to keep you busy during long loading times? Anyone who's used a public computer in Southeast Asia or India or most places really has … [Read more...]
Third-World Haircut
If you're the kind of person who cares about their hair, you probably shouldn't travel around Asia for a long enough period of time that you'd need to get it cut. Of course there are some excellent barbers in Asia who also speak good enough English to understand what you want, but it would be cheaper to just fly home and get a haircut there than to visit one. Travelers with … [Read more...]