It rains a lot in southern China. Most of that rain falls during the monsoon season from April to September. This can be a little annoying if you’re traveling around China during the summer and you enjoy doing anything other than sitting in your hotel room. It can also wreak havoc on transportation in rural areas. When the downpours get heavy enough, they can bring … [Read more...]
Sweating Away at Shenzhen’s Meilin Reservoir
Summers in China are horrible. They're hot and humid and anyone who sets foot outside is instantly soaked in sweat. When I lived in Shanghai, I escaped to Kashgar in the far west of China for the summer. The temperatures are even higher there, but the complete lack of moisture makes life much more pleasant. When living in Shenzhen, I stupidly decided to stay put. I figured I … [Read more...]
Lake Toba: The Day I Traded my Hammock for a Motorbike
I spent three weeks at Lake Toba in North Sumatra, Indonesia on two separate occasions and did virtually nothing both times. It's not my fault, though. Between lazing in a hammock, swimming in the thermally heated lake, and eating some of the best grilled fish I've ever had anywhere, my days were pretty full. Nevertheless, on both visits, I managed to move some things around … [Read more...]