I though this photo pretty much perfectly sums up the town of Pushkar in the Indian state of Rajasthan: cows and demands on our money. To be fair, this donation box is obviously not aimed at foreign tourists and all cows have a tendency to look evil and angry when they stare straight into the camera, but I still found it fitting. As one of the five sacred pilgrimage sites … [Read more...]
Who Needs a Guard Dog When You Have a Cow?
This home in the narrow alleys of Jaisalmer in the Indian state of Rajasthan is guarded by a cow. And guarded well, by the looks of him. I certainly kept my distance. … [Read more...]
Riding a Possessed Camel in Jaisalmer
I've always felt that the greatest thing the invention of the automobile has done for us is eliminate the need to sit on top of a wild animal and try to get it to do what we want. I do realize that many people actually enjoy riding horses or other animals, but I also realize that not everyone is sane. Apparently, there are even people who run just for fun. When I was in … [Read more...]