If you spend any time at all outdoors after dark in Korea you'll quickly notice that the usually fairly clean streets are suddenly littered with large immovable objects. They lie on benches, curbs, sidewalks, streets, subway platforms and anywhere else large enough to accommodate them. If you move in for a closer look, you'll have no trouble identifying them: Korean … [Read more...]
Large Drunk Bikers In Seoul’s Hongdae Children’s Park
This little story relates one of the funniest things I've ever seen, but have been putting off writing about, because I have no idea how to accurately paint the hilarious picture. Even the word biker in the title doesn't quite give the correct impression, despite being the correct descriptive word. Doesn't make sense? I know. We'll get to that later, though; first a little … [Read more...]
Climbing the Great Wall of China Is Not For Drunkards
Every visitor to Beijing makes a trip the Great Wall of China and all but a few choose between two sections: Badaling and Mutianyu. The first is the most popular and naturally, the most crowded; the second gets all those visitors who want to avoid the crowds of the first. Since more and more travelers seem to be trying to get off the standard tourist trail a bit, I imagine … [Read more...]
How a Billiard Hall in Seoul Almost Made the Game Enjoyable
At this pool hall we went to in Changdong in northern Seoul, they provided customers with these three-fingered gloves. That changed my game forever. I didn't get any better, mind you, and a practice round playing against myself would still last several days (assuming I don't sink the eight ball), but it did give me a better grip on my beer glass, especially when it was covered … [Read more...]