The Chinese are famous for eating everything. Name an animal and I guarantee there's a restaurant that serves it; name any part of that animal and they'll have a dish featuring it. To be fair, mostly this stereotype applies to the south. There's even a saying among the Chinese that people in Guangdong province "eat everything that swims except the submarine, everything that … [Read more...]
Four Simple Ways to Go Broke In Beijing
While food, accommodation and transportation costs in China have been creeping upward and admission fees to popular attractions are reaching astronomical levels, it is still very possible to travel the country quite cheaply. That said, it is also possible to spend ridiculous amounts of money and get very little in return. I've written plenty on traveling cheaply, so I figure … [Read more...]
Old Chinese Hipsters Dance in Beijing’s Jingshan Park
When you visit China, you can't help but notice the bad dancing that goes on in the public parks, but these three took it to a whole new level in Beijing's Jingshan Park and pretty much redefined the word "dance". The new definition was not a good one, mind you, but it was certainly hilarious. Add to that the incredible fashion sense of the hipster-pirate on the left and you … [Read more...]
Why was Pedro in Beijing and Why Was He Naked?
I haven't added to my annoying people series in a while, so I think it's time I introduced a person who could be a whole series on their own: the annoying hostel roommate. I'm sure I'll be writing many more posts in the future about people with whom I've been stuck in dorm rooms over the years, but I'm going to begin with one of my favorites: Pedro. First off, let me … [Read more...]
Climbing the Great Wall of China Is Not For Drunkards
Every visitor to Beijing makes a trip the Great Wall of China and all but a few choose between two sections: Badaling and Mutianyu. The first is the most popular and naturally, the most crowded; the second gets all those visitors who want to avoid the crowds of the first. Since more and more travelers seem to be trying to get off the standard tourist trail a bit, I imagine … [Read more...]