While food, accommodation and transportation costs in China have been creeping upward and admission fees to popular attractions are reaching astronomical levels, it is still very possible to travel the country quite cheaply. That said, it is also possible to spend ridiculous amounts of money and get very little in return. I've written plenty on traveling cheaply, so I figure … [Read more...]
Oh What a Fun Shenzhen Visa Run!
Chinese visa policy changes on a seemingly weekly basis, but one aspect that remains constant is the frustration—frustration with the bureaucracy, frustration with the inefficiency, but mostly frustration that a country as large as China only allows visitors to stay long enough to see about one percent of it. I felt that frustration again on my most recent trip to the … [Read more...]
Old Chinese Hipsters Dance in Beijing’s Jingshan Park
When you visit China, you can't help but notice the bad dancing that goes on in the public parks, but these three took it to a whole new level in Beijing's Jingshan Park and pretty much redefined the word "dance". The new definition was not a good one, mind you, but it was certainly hilarious. Add to that the incredible fashion sense of the hipster-pirate on the left and you … [Read more...]
Why was Pedro in Beijing and Why Was He Naked?
I haven't added to my annoying people series in a while, so I think it's time I introduced a person who could be a whole series on their own: the annoying hostel roommate. I'm sure I'll be writing many more posts in the future about people with whom I've been stuck in dorm rooms over the years, but I'm going to begin with one of my favorites: Pedro. First off, let me … [Read more...]
Being Mooned by China’s Toddlers
I have no personal experience on which to base this statement, but I think I can safely say that changing diapers sucks. The invention of the disposable diaper has made the process somewhat less unpleasant, but what if I told you it could be easier still? What if I said you never have to worry about changing your baby's diaper again? Well, it's possible and you can thank China … [Read more...]