I want to make this clear right off the bat and state that there is no actual consuming of cow pies in this post. Not voluntarily anyway. I only mention that, since I know most of you sick bastards followed the title here expecting……who knows what you were expecting? And who wants to know? Certainly not I. Furthermore, you will not find any disgusting pictures of cow pies or … [Read more...]
This Is How You Cruise the Streets of Marrakech
If you ask 100 people, you'd get 100 different definitions of 'cool', but this Moroccan woman fits every last one of them. Watching her cruise through the Djemaa El-Fna (Marrakech's main square and the subject of this previous post) made me feel like real loser for walking across it all day on my own two feet. … [Read more...]
How to Waste a Good Typhoon
I'm sure we've all been there: you go out for a few drinks after work and end up having a few more, followed by a few more, followed by a bottle of tequila. Next thing you know, the alarm goes off and you drag yourself from under the covers like a zombie clawing its way out of a grave, except the zombie smells better and has better motor skills. You know you have to be at work … [Read more...]
Waiting on the ‘El’ in Chicago
The 'El' of course refers to Chicago's elevated train lines and the Chicago rapid-transit system as a whole. I was going to title this post "Riding on the 'El' in Chicago", but after thinking back to my ten months in the city, I realized there wasn't much actual riding going on. I spent at least 30 minutes waiting for every 10 minutes of riding; and when I say 'waiting on the … [Read more...]
Goan Death Van in India
Traveling in India, you will likely find yourself on at least one bus so decrepit with a driver so insane, you'll be convinced you won't survive the journey, so I suppose it's only fitting that your last ride ever be on a converted public bus. At least that's what they use in Canacona, Goa. The rest of India, being mostly Hindu or Muslim, is probably different. I've realized I … [Read more...]