I found this place on the northern end of the main street in Vang Vieng, Laos. I guess when you’re opening a business in a tourist town where restaurants have menus for drugs—in addition to the standard food and drinks menus—and the majority of visitors are sober for a few hours a day at most, you don’t really need to worry about extras like customer service or walls.
See my travel guide for Vang Vieng for some practical information on the town and my guide for Laos for info on the country as a whole.
Shalu Sharma says
hmm not in a million years. Not for the the ladies. Its OK for the gents I suppose.
Shalu Sharma recently contributed to world literature by posting..Nomadic Samuel shares his experiences of India
Daniel says
Yeah, I doubt they’ve ever had a single female customer. Well, maybe one of those girls who shave their head when they travel. I suppose it would be ok for them.
Daniel recently contributed to world literature by posting..Sewage Facials on Bangkok’s Water Transport System
memographer says
Good one! But, it looks much better than the one I’ve visited in Laos 🙂
memographer recently contributed to world literature by posting..Thai Buddhist Art: The Mural in The Grand Palace
Daniel McBane says
Much worse than this? Did you get your hair cut in an outhouse?
Daniel McBane recently contributed to world literature by posting..How to not Visit the Taj Mahal While in Agra