This sexy goat was found at Karakul Lake in Xinjiang Province in the far west of China, just north of the Pakistani border on the Karakorum Highway. We were certain that red strap had some practical function, but none of us had any idea what that might be. Let me rephrase that: we were really hoping that thing had some practical function….
Believe it or not, I’ve also written some information on Karakul Lake that is actually useful. I did the same for the rest of China, too.
Lonely herder or some sort of goat prank to initiate the new ‘guy’. Awesome all the same haha
Good call, I can’t believe I didn’t think of that given all the hazing incidents in the goat community making headlines recently.
Mrs. Chatterbox’s birthday is coming up; I wonder what sizes this lingerie comes in.
You may be hearing from a divorce lawyer soon….
Interesting perspective. Perhaps the lonely herder was getting bored on the hill top so decided to spice up his life a little. I wonder how the other sheep feel about it.
They others all seem to be ignoring this one…
My only sensible theory about these is that the colorful “underwear” helps spot the goats if they wander off.
That’s probably the best theory I’ve heard so far. And maybe each herder uses a unique color of underwear to easily identify their herd.
Those string you see, are attached to bags that cover the goat’s “teats” or “udders” (I am not sure of the correct name). The herders do it so that the baby goats do not drink all the milk. There are no cows at that elevation and the goats are the only source of Milk…
Thank you for clearing that up! That actually makes perfect sense…