- 1 - Danba in Western Sichuan: A Tibetan City I was Actually Allowed to Visit
- 2 - Exploring the Tibetan Villages of Zhonglu and Suopo
- 3 - Hiring a Tibetan Driver and Somehow Surviving the Experience
- 4 - Homestay in Jiaju Where A Film Crew Steals our Feast
- 5 - Leaving Danba Difficult Thanks to Minivan Drivers
Last week, I wrote about our first afternoon and evening in Danba, which we spent getting a hotel room, arranging a car and driver for the next morning, eating an average meal, and buying fresh fruit and a giant bag of peanuts to supplement that meal. I created quite a little mountain of empty peanut shells before going to bed that night, but barely managed to put a dent in my huge bag.
I got a great night’s sleep in my private dorm room in our deserted hotel, with the roar of the river below my window easily drowning out the standard Chinese background noise of honking horns. As a result, I was up early and ready to explore the region. I grabbed some dumplings and a couple of hard-boiled eggs marinated in a tea mixture for breakfast, before we headed out to meet our driver.
Looking downriver from the footbridge leading to Suopo, the second village on our itinerary for the day.
We found him lying in the backseat of a mud-splattered minivan that looked like it had been thrown together that morning from whatever parts happened to be scattered around. He was basically your standard issue weathered, middle-aged Tibetan man who knew fewer English words than he had teeth and he didn’t have many of those. He seemed friendly enough though. We quickly got underway and headed off for the first village.
The town of Danba sits in a deep valley at the confluence of two rivers, with another three river valleys joining the first two nearby. Each of these five valleys is equally stunning, with rugged Tibetan villages clinging to steep, fertile mountainsides above a brown rivers streaked with white in places where swift currents collide. The first of these villages on our list was Zhonglu.
Looking down on Zhonglu; yes, we had to climb up there to get this photo.
The crisp mountain air felt downright chilly during the thirty minute ride, but I enjoyed it, knowing how hot the day would soon get. It was already beginning to heat up and, by the time we arrived, we had the perfect hiking temperature, giving us the necessary motivation to do some climbing. We passed through corn fields and over crumbling stone hedges, as we crossed the relatively flat ledge we were on, before hitting a small road that took us up the hillside toward the upper reaches of the village. On the way we passed this guy:
No grass for this gourmet.
He was helping himself to some Huajiao, or “flower peppers”, the very distinct, tongue numbing ingredient at the heart of Sichuan cuisine (Wikipedia: Sichuan pepper). It doesn’t numb the tongue with heat, though. The flower pepper actually tastes a bit lemony and numbs the tongue in the way a shot of Novocaine would, except it only lasts a few moments. It’s actually kind of pleasant and offers the perfect balance for the incredibly spicy chili peppers that are the other characteristic of Sichuan cuisine. Apparently, humans aren’t the only ones to find the sensation pleasant.
Some of the fields we passed through on our way up the hillside of Zhonglu village.
Further on, we passed a farmer who had covered our path with a tarp onto which he was shaking the Huajiao peppercorns from a tree. We began climbing the walls lining the path to avoid stomping all over his harvest, but he told us to go ahead—if anyone happened to find themselves in Sichuan province in the summer of 2011 and they were served flower peppers with footprints on them…sorry. There’s a good chance the peppers were licked by a cow, too, if that helps.
We continued upward in one of those moments where you keep thinking, “just a bit higher and we’ll get an even better photo…” and eventually we even began climbing straight up over the rocks, in an attempt to speed things up by leaving the slow back and forth meandering of the path. Given that the mountains in the area continued up over 5000 meters, we had to stop eventually and chose to do so once we reached this tower.
A lone watchtower overlooking Zhonglu village.
These ancient watchtowers are one of the distinguishing features of the Danba area and we would soon be seeing many more of them. The next village on our list was Suopo and the only reason people visit, is to see its watchtowers. Once we had scrambled back down the hillside and woken our napping driver, we were on our way. He actually wanted to take us to a nearby place for lunch (I’m guessing they paid drivers a commission), but we insisted on seeing one more village before stopping to eat.
This strangely color-toned mess is unfortunately the best picture I have of Suopo’s famous watchtowers
Once we got within a few kilometers of Suopo, our driver stopped and told us it was inaccessible by vehicle. He was telling the truth (sort of), but we didn’t believe him, since he had begun to get pretty annoying ever since we had decided not to eat at the place he suggested. Besides, it was clear he could keep driving well past the point where we were stopped, so we told him to do so. After a few kilometers, we could see Suopo on the other side of the river with a footbridge adorned with thousands of multicolored Tibetan prayer flags leading across.
The bridge to Suopo, adorned with thousands of Tibetan prayer flags.
This was the actual spot where vehicular traffic had to stop. At this point, our driver started to throw a little fit about how we wouldn’t have time to see the final town and we couldn’t afford to walk all the way into this one if we wanted to fit all three villages into our day. This was a blatant lie, as it was only a little past noon and we were planning on spending the night in the next town, so he really just had to drop us off. He simply wanted to end his day early. It actually turned out he wanted something else, but we’ll get to that in a bit.
For now, we compromised and assured him we weren’t going to do any climbing in Suopo and simply wanted to cross the bridge and walk along the river a ways to take some photos. Once on the other side, we saw this spout dripping oil all over the ground. It appeared to be part of a long-abandoned construction site but we weren’t sure. Whatever it was, it was pretty disgusting and not the kind of thing you want to see seeping into the ground and running into a river.
George Bush would’ve stripped naked and had a quick shower, but we held back.
After we had taken some photos, we crossed back over the river and found our driver filling his van with cigarette smoke. He seemed in much better spirits though, clearly happy to finally get us eating lunch. We had him drive us back to Danba, since it had more options for restaurants and we had to pass through town anyway to enter the valley where Jiaju, the final village, was located. Little did we know that the improvement in our driver’s mood would be very short-lived.
Continued in part 3: Hiring a Tibetan Driver and Somehow Surviving the Experience
Interesting and informative as always. We’ve set our sights on Thailand for next year. Take care.
Is that “take care” a general warning to all Thais and tourists who may find themselves in Thailand next summer?
Daniel McBane recently contributed to world literature by posting..Winter Themed Japanese Smoking Manners Posters
Wow! Those watch towers look awesome.
Needy drivers? Not so awesome.
Maybe he accidentally drank some of that gunk thinking it was coffee…
I’m also a bit surprised at how much hiking you did after reading one of your previous posts 😉
Erica recently contributed to world literature by posting..The Most Memorable Restaurant in Kusadasi
The issue with the driver actually turned out to be much more serious than it would seem so far, but I’ll get to that next week.
I’m surprised at all the hiking myself and a few months after this visit to Danba, I even hiked the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal. I’m writing a series of posts about that too, but it turns out I like to put off writing about hiking almost as much as the actual hiking itself.
Daniel McBane recently contributed to world literature by posting..Braving the Jungles of Koh Phangan to Discover a Secluded Beach
great pics! looks like such a beautiful day
It was. The weather was one thing I definitely couldn’t complain about during my time in Sichuan. The government might not have let me go anywhere, but I enjoyed some beautiful days while being kept away.
Daniel McBane recently contributed to world literature by posting..Four Simple Ways to Go Broke In Beijing
I can eat a lot of things, but those hard-boiled tea eggs just aren’t my thing, just the smell of those make me nauseous! And I love thousand year eggs, so it must be the addition of tea brine. But with views like that, who cares about stinky tea eggs and old men with rotten teeth! That place is amazing! What’s the story behind the watchtowers?
JR Riel recently contributed to world literature by posting..Run from Mummies & Visit Kissing Sites: A Walking Tour of Guanajuato, Mexico by Estefanía Mendoza
I loved the tea eggs and ate them all the time; the thousand year eggs I could do without, however.
From what I understood, the entire purpose behind all the watchtowers isn’t clear. It is thought that the towers located high up on the mountains were used to send signals, towers at narrow passes and other strategic locations were used for defense and ones attached to buildings were used for storage and as a type of panic room in the event of an attack. The entrances are located 5 meters or so off the ground, so the ladder could be pulled up once everyone was inside; then they fired arrows through slits to keep attackers at bay.