I REALLY wish I’d gotten this on video, although I’d settle for a photo that’s actually in focus.
When you visit China, you can’t help but notice the bad dancing that goes on in the public parks, but these three took it to a whole new level in Beijing’s Jingshan Park and pretty much redefined the word “dance”. The new definition was not a good one, mind you, but it was certainly hilarious. Add to that the incredible fashion sense of the hipster-pirate on the left and you basically have the coolest three people in all of China.
If you are planning a visit to Beijing, my travel guide for the city might help; for the rest of China, try this guide.
Parks are amusing places all over the world. You never know what you are going to see. I know what you mean by bad dancing. Why do they do it?
I think they mostly just do it for fun. You often see large groups of mostly women doing choreographed dances together in the parks. They’re never any good, but you can tell they don’t care–they’re just having a good time.
THat is quite the outfit! I guess in a country as crowded as China being self-conscious is a luxury few can afford. Hilarious pic!
Or all the normal clothes are exported and end up in stores in the west and this is simply what the Chinese are left with…