Don’t I know it……numerous little snippets of wisdom pepper the trees on the Phra Singh temple grounds in Chiang Mai, Thailand, but this one was obviously meant specifically for me…
Chubby Chatterboxsays
Yes, that sign is obviously meant for you. When I visit Thailand in February I’ll be sure to ignore it.
Hey well Daniel you can always not be lazy then you can say you are good looking and not a slacker. Do they just put these up on any tree? Never been to Thailand so is there a reason they do this or is it just in a particular area?
I only saw signs like this on the grounds of the Phra Singh temple in Chiang Mai, but they might have something similar elsewhere. I don’t really know why they put all these sayings up, but it makes for some interesting reading while hanging out in the shade under the trees.
This sign was meant for you I think. Ha ha. I am the Jill you knew in Chicago. It has been ten years. You look older. Glad you are doing what you love. Me too. I am happily married with a 4 year old son. I am a stay at home mom. best wishes to you.
I can’t help looking older, but now I actually feel old….10 years?!? It sounds like you’re doing really well. That’s great! Not that I would want to trade…my sister has a two year old and from watching her, I now know with almost 100% certainty that kids are not for me. I have a hard time going a day without sleep, let alone 2 years…I don’t know how you parents do it.
Lol. Yes, being a mommy has kept me very busy, but I absolutely love it. I know it was my fate and destiny, what I was meant to do, and it makes me very happy and fulfilled. And, it seems like you are living your dreams of traveling and teaching. I remember back when we were friends in Chicago you were heading out to Japan to teach English. Remember that funny bar in our old neighborhood in chicago. I have not been there in ten years. ha ha. And, I still live in the chicago area. I love chicago. Well, I had a random feeling maybe you were a travel blogger or travel photographer or something like that now and that was why I looked you up. And I was right. good luck. nice touching base with you and knowing you are alive and well. Me too. 🙂 take care.
Thank you and the same to you. I definitely remember that bar. I actually really liked Chicago, but I’ve realized in the years since that I just can’t seem to stay in one place for longer than a year or two.
Yes, that sign is obviously meant for you. When I visit Thailand in February I’ll be sure to ignore it.
That’s just because you’re not lazy, right?
Hey well Daniel you can always not be lazy then you can say you are good looking and not a slacker. Do they just put these up on any tree? Never been to Thailand so is there a reason they do this or is it just in a particular area?
I only saw signs like this on the grounds of the Phra Singh temple in Chiang Mai, but they might have something similar elsewhere. I don’t really know why they put all these sayings up, but it makes for some interesting reading while hanging out in the shade under the trees.
sometimes there is but i’m too lazy to think of when lol
I think you nailed it: there’s plenty of glory; we just can’t be bothered to remember it, once it’s in the past…
This sign was meant for you I think. Ha ha. I am the Jill you knew in Chicago. It has been ten years. You look older. Glad you are doing what you love. Me too. I am happily married with a 4 year old son. I am a stay at home mom. best wishes to you.
I can’t help looking older, but now I actually feel old….10 years?!? It sounds like you’re doing really well. That’s great! Not that I would want to trade…my sister has a two year old and from watching her, I now know with almost 100% certainty that kids are not for me. I have a hard time going a day without sleep, let alone 2 years…I don’t know how you parents do it.
Lol. Yes, being a mommy has kept me very busy, but I absolutely love it. I know it was my fate and destiny, what I was meant to do, and it makes me very happy and fulfilled. And, it seems like you are living your dreams of traveling and teaching. I remember back when we were friends in Chicago you were heading out to Japan to teach English. Remember that funny bar in our old neighborhood in chicago. I have not been there in ten years. ha ha. And, I still live in the chicago area. I love chicago. Well, I had a random feeling maybe you were a travel blogger or travel photographer or something like that now and that was why I looked you up. And I was right. good luck. nice touching base with you and knowing you are alive and well. Me too. 🙂 take care.
Thank you and the same to you. I definitely remember that bar. I actually really liked Chicago, but I’ve realized in the years since that I just can’t seem to stay in one place for longer than a year or two.