Move over McDonald's—it's only a matter of time before the Sawut Fast Food Restaurant takes over your spot as the world's number one franchise. Let's just hope they don't forget their humble roots on the shores of Karakul Lake in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China and continue to serve only the freshest horse and camel kebabs. The truth is, this place is probably … [Read more...]
Yurt Life at Karakul Lake in Xinjiang Province
In the evening, our hosts made us a delicious noodle dinner. After the meal, they entertained us with a "disco night", which involved some pretty bad music from a little portable radio and some crazy dancing by the local children. Naturally some of us (by which I mean people who weren't me) joined in. It was actually a fun time. Afterward we hired one of the local boys to make … [Read more...]
Karakul Lake in Xinjiang Province: Escaping China’s Tourist Hordes
Regular readers will know that I really enjoy traveling in China, despite the numerous frustrations and so far, I've written more posts on this blog about the Middle Kingdom than any other country. I have not yet written anything about China's westernmost province, the Xianjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, though. That needs to change, since it was my favorite area in the whole … [Read more...]
Sorry About This: Another Disgusting Chinese Toilet
This lovely restroom at Karakul Lake in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China was neither restful, nor a room. Rooms generally have doors and resting is difficult with no comfort, a stench every bit as bad as you might imagine from the photo and no light after dark. As if that wasn't enough, they decided to paint the walls and the floor in the least relaxing of all … [Read more...]
This Bad English Sign Has Saved Many Lives
...and all of those lives were able to read Chinese. This sign was found at Karakul Lake in China's Xinjiang Province and if you're curious what the blind four-year old who was hired to translate it into bad English was actually trying to say, here's the gist of it: "Beware of altitude sickness. Please take it easy." Karakul Lake is beautiful and well worth a visit. This guide … [Read more...]