I spent last week in my mother's hometown, an area of Germany with more pigs than people, for a cousin's wedding. I found this helpful sign teaching toilet brush use in the bathroom of our bed and breakfast. You might be able to guess this, but 'falsch' means 'incorrect', 'fast richtig' means 'almost correct' and 'richtig' means 'correct'. To be honest though, this sign doesn't … [Read more...]
Sorry About This: Another Disgusting Chinese Toilet
This lovely restroom at Karakul Lake in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China was neither restful, nor a room. Rooms generally have doors and resting is difficult with no comfort, a stench every bit as bad as you might imagine from the photo and no light after dark. As if that wasn't enough, they decided to paint the walls and the floor in the least relaxing of all … [Read more...]
Japanese Add Faucet to Toilet to Save Water
Most people are aware of Japan's high-tech toilets with their numerous (and let's face it, mostly unnecessary) functions, but not everyone knows that most toilets in Japan come with a faucet and a little sink above the water tank. When you flush, the faucet starts running to refill the tank, giving you a chance to wash your hands without using up any additional water. Pretty … [Read more...]
Toilet With a View at the Seoul Tower
This bathroom is located at the observation deck of the Seoul Tower. Although the tower itself measures only 237 meters in height, it stands on Seoul's highest point, the 262 meter tall Namsan, giving it some amazing views of the South Korean capital and one of the world's most populous cities. The night views are especially beautiful. … [Read more...]
Warning: Picture of a Disgusting Chinese Toilet
In hindsight, I don't know what more I could want—it has both a divider for a little privacy and select reading materials strewn about. I found this lovely squat toilet at one of the rest stops our bus made on the way from Lijiang to the Tiger Leaping Gorge in China's Yunnan Province. You'll find useful information on traveling in this area in my guide for Lijiang and … [Read more...]