This funny sign from Gibraltar is warning visitors not to mock the monkeys, because apparently their feelings get hurt. And when their feelings get hurt they bite. I’ve written about the thieving monkeys in Thailand in the past and am fully aware that our simian friends can possess the same annoying traits found in us humans, so it really comes as no surprise that they might lash out when mocked. Whatever. What’s more important is that this sign gave me a great idea.
I’m not old enough to remember the monkey dance from the 1960s (just the Simpson’s references), but I’m sure it was annoying. It quickly fell out of fashion (because it was ridiculous), but the practice of dancing like an idiot because someone on TV danced like an idiot did not. But imagine if everyone who ‘did the monkey’ were bitten by a monkey…no more monkey dance. Now imagine if everyone who danced like they were riding a horse were kicked by a horse…see where I’m going with this? Think how much better our lives would be…
This week’s photo was kindly provided by Lance and Laura of The Travel Addicts.
hahaha love it!
..awesome….very funny
Thank you!