Are you opening a burger place, but can’t afford a food photographer? Just take a picture of a McDonald’s menu and use a black marker to hide any mentions of Mc or Mac, a red marker to cover the golden arches on the french fry boxes and voilà! Problem solved.
Here’s the full sign, found outside a little burger place in Vang Vieng, Laos (and no, the actual burgers looked nothing like the pictures; but then again, neither do the ones at a real McDonald’s):
Oh my yes – as an expat here in Vietnam, it’s clear that SEAsians surely have “Intellectual Property Theft” down to a freekin’ SCIENCE! Indeed, a whole new art form. But hey – you gotta give ’em credit for their classy “creative license” in sidestepping the legalities, yes? 😉
Love the pics (not to mention the prices) – even the “Coca Cola” looks like it was photoshopped!
I was wondering about the “Coca Cola” myself. I thought maybe they edited it to resemble something in the Laotian script, but it’s probably just the low quality camera.