After the intentionally funny “smoking manners” poster I put up last week, I decided to go with an unintentionally funny—and deeply philosophical—one this week. I’ll post a few more of these in the future, but don’t worry, I won’t go through all 70 or so in the long-running ad campaign by Japan Tobacco.
Quite funny, are these real posters in Japan? Where are these posters situated?
They’re real and I’ve seen them pretty much everywhere, but especially on trains and in public smoking areas.
Really – they seem to be coming out with unique and creative ideas. I am sure they must be working otherwise they wont be doing it.
It was a very long-running campaign, so the posters must have been effective. In fact, they might still be using them–I haven’t been to Japan in a few years now.
aw it’s kind of cute!
At least until he chucks her (him?) in the dirt like yesterday’s trash…
omg these new ones are amazing. now the ones I laughed at while living in Japan seem so… normal.
I don’t think any of them are really all that new, but I know what you mean. I kept seeing the same ten or so when I was in Japan, but it turns out there are over 70 of these things.
This is hilarious. Meet, love, the end. Oh, the sad tale of a cigarette.
Even Shakespeare himself couldn’t have told the cigarette’s story any better…