Swastik, meaning ‘auspicious’ or ‘lucky’ is a common given name in India and there are countless businesses that carry it. So thanks Nazis, for forever ruining a good word and a cool-looking symbol. Oh, and killing millions of people in a pathetic attempt to conquer the world. But mostly the symbol. Assholes.
I think native Americans also used a version of the Swastik, only reversed. I saw it woven onto baskets on the Antique Road Show.
You’re right, they did use it. After reading your comment I checked out the Wikipedia page and learned that several tribes used the swastika. The direction it faces doesn’t seem to matter though, from what it said.
I am a Hindu and have the swastika on my wall and we call it the Swastik as well. You go to any Hindu temple or any Hindu home, you’ll find the Swastika. Hindus also wear it as pendants. I think this animal called Hitler took this symbol and used it for his twisted ideology and spoilt it for the rest of the world.
It’s not uncommon that symbols (and gestures!) have such different meanings in different cultures. In this specific case, it would be better if the original Hindu meaning were the only one…