I’m going to do something different this week and put up a post of photos. This is generally only done by good photographers, but I’m going to buck that trend. Besides, as the author of a post on how to take crappy pictures, I feel I should demonstrate just how qualified I am to be giving out such advice.

The view from my balcony.
The view from my balcony after I’ve slightly turned the camera.
The exact same view in the evening.
…and this is what happens when I turn the camera a bit more…
I’ve been in Berlin for the past few months and have been trying to take more photos during that time. Mostly, as you can probably tell from the photos above, this involves me lazily pointing my camera out my window, but on one occasion, I actually ventured outside to snap a few photos.
The Elsenbrucke over the Spree River.
I only did this because the sun was setting and on this particular day, you could actually see it. Beautiful sunsets in Berlin appear slightly less often than Halley’s Comet, so I felt I had to take advantage. Add to that the fact that the ground was covered in snow, that the river was partially frozen and that I live right next to said river and need less than two minutes to get there and you have an idea of what it takes to get me to venture outside for a reason other than food or drink. Alcoholic drinks, of course—I have a faucet.
A rare Berlin sunset.
Naturally, I didn’t bother to put on the appropriate clothes, in large part since I don’t have the appropriate clothes, so I quite literally froze solid. With HDR photography, you basically need a tripod and mine is barely knee high, meaning I pretty much have to lie on the ground to use it. When that ground is covered in snow, it only makes sense my clothes would quickly get wet. When the air is below freezing, it only makes sense that those wet clothes would freeze.
The Molecule Man behind a Berlin wall…
…the Molecule Man through the wall…
…and without the wall
And freeze they did. My already way too tight jeans (a gift from my mom and quite the departure from my usual ten-sizes-too-big—and much more comfortable—preference) turned rock-solid and limited my movements to the Frankenstein range. But I persevered and kept snapping photos, not wanting to let the rare sunset—and the even rarer occurrence of me leaving my apartment—go to waste.
Buildings in the east behind a wall
The old power plant behind the wall…
…and without the wall (that’s the run-up to a bridge, not a wall)
I only wrote this so that you can truly appreciate the hardships I endured to get these photos. Yes, I know some photographers brave war zones and the like, but I took an elevator down eight floors and crossed a street. A wide one with four lanes! And a bike lane! Nevertheless, please feel free to put me to shame with tales of difficulties you had to overcome for a photo….
Those are some great pictures! I live in Berlin too, and was unable to take any nice pics this winter – my hands were to shaky, and my motivation far too low to go outside… 😉
Yeah, my hands were only slightly less frozen than my pants; completely forgot to mention that in the post.
Some nice pictures of Berlin. I have not been there. The only place I have been in Germany is Munich. Would love to visit Berlin. Is it very cold at the moment in Berlin?
It’s actually been relatively warm here the past few days, but it does get pretty cold in the winter. I didn’t think it was too bad, though.
You got some nice shots – it was worth the excursion (as long as you don’t come down with pneumonia. Oh wait, if you did, those shots might end up being worth big bucks…) Anyway. good job on the blog!
Thank you. I didn’t want to die of pneumonia, but I figured if I got frostbite and lost an ear, I might be able to get some money for my photos. Unfortunately, it turns out some painter guy already thought of that, so I remain poor….
“Daniel, your photos capture the essence of Berlin in winter beautifully! Your humor about the ‘hell’ you endured to get them adds a delightful touch. Thanks for sharing your unique perspective and adventures with us!”
Capturing stunning winter photos of Berlin can be an adventure, but enduring the cold is easier with the right gear. TheWinterBrand offers cozy and stylish beanies that keep you warm while you explore and photograph the city. Check out their collection to stay comfortable and fashionable on your winter photo excursions!