This funny sign from Gibraltar is warning visitors not to mock the monkeys, because apparently their feelings get hurt. And when their feelings get hurt they bite. I've written about the thieving monkeys in Thailand in the past and am fully aware that our simian friends can possess the same annoying traits found in us humans, so it really comes as no surprise that they might … [Read more...]
Entertaining Angkor’s Army of Miniature Touts
Not many of the world's great attractions live up to the hype, but the Angkor temple complex in Siem Reap is one that does. In fact, it exceeds expectations; I have yet to meet anyone who wasn't impressed by the size and scope of the sprawling ancient city ruins. I also haven't met anyone who wasn't at least a little annoyed with the army of pint-size touts who work the site. … [Read more...]
Japanese Smoking Manners Campaign Warns Against Smoke Stalker
Yurt Life at Karakul Lake in Xinjiang Province
In the evening, our hosts made us a delicious noodle dinner. After the meal, they entertained us with a "disco night", which involved some pretty bad music from a little portable radio and some crazy dancing by the local children. Naturally some of us (by which I mean people who weren't me) joined in. It was actually a fun time. Afterward we hired one of the local boys to make … [Read more...]
Food Photography for Sharks
In general, a photo like this one from the Great Barrier Reef in Australia would be more at home on a shark's food blog than my funny photos section, but in this case, the food got away. No one wants a photo of food they didn't get to eat and the happy ending for us humans makes the picture kind of funny. It also tells me not to go swimming anywhere near this area. This … [Read more...]