In hindsight, I don’t know what more I could want—it has both a divider for a little privacy and select reading materials strewn about. I found this lovely squat toilet at one of the rest stops our bus made on the way from Lijiang to the Tiger Leaping Gorge in China’s Yunnan Province.
You’ll find useful information on traveling in this area in my guide for Lijiang and specific advice for the Tiger Leaping Gorge trek in this guide. Information for the rest of China is here.
Haha, totally clicked on this in spite of the title. I think I might prefer just going behind a bush?
It was a little town, so there wasn’t much cover; not enough for the girls anyway. Or the poor guy who had some business that required sitting (or squatting in this case).
At least it provides you with reading material, provided you read Chinese. Not much privacy though, and it doesn’t look very sanitary.
Provided you read Chinese and are wearing four pairs of latex gloves. And no, the Chinese are not big on privacy–there’s actually no wall in the front either.
This is something like a hole in the ground. Something like a squat toilet.
It basically is just a hole in the ground. Everything just runs out behind the little building and forms a small pond.
To be honest, this is no different to some squat toilets you’ll find in India.
Oh, I know…..I have several pictures of disgusting Indian toilets as well. I actually thought about doing a whole series about nasty toilets, but decided against scaring off my ten remaining readers. Besides, it would mostly just be a bunch of photos from China and India.
I think you should post them. I don’t think anyone would be offended. Offending is always going to be a part of blogging.
Hey Daniel, that is disgusting. I could not even imagine. I figured at least an out house with four walls. I would be afraid to catch something.
Wow, I would never go there.
I agree: four walls is high on my list of preferred toilet features as well.
Hi Daniel,
I have seen some squat toilets before, but never this filthy! Well, they do make up for it with the free reading materials, or is that their toilet paper? LOL!
There’s a good chance it’s both…..a good rule of thumb: if you’re not sure whether it’s toilet paper or reading material, it’s toilet paper by default. Don’t read it.
Came across these picture on Pinterest. I was checking for nice photograph for Yunnan province in china, auw! What sweet memories they bring up :-). Thanks for your sharing your travel pictures(in general).
Sorry this is what you found when searching for nice photos of Yunnan…you’re welcome for the ‘sweet’ memories.
Oh sh*t is that a toilet? it looks a toilet from medieval times haha